Yesterday I had lunch with Michelle, Lea Ann and Didi. I had a fabulous time as these ladies always make me laugh!
Poor Lea Ann was subjected to a lot of blog talk, and I would have felt sorry for her except for the fact that she gave each of us with a blog a list of 12 things to do/add to our blogs. Hmmm the non-blogger giving blog orders. Sounds about right!
One of the requests she made to me was to continue Sunday Morning Shopping.
I told her no.
Michelle then asked, and I told Michelle to do it. 😀
As many of you may have suspected, I am pretty burnt out deal-hunting and shopping. I have been doing it for over 30 years. I have lived the good and the bad of deal-hunting. I also have a major stockpile of goods down the basement and in my linen closet just begging to be used. With only hubby and I at home, I just don’t need much on any given week other than some produce, yogurt and milk. Since getting home from Florida on the 1st of March I have shopped at Tops exactly once. Yesterday. See that whopping order up top? That was it.
Now getting back to Lea Ann’s request. I can put up a post on Sunday Morning for all of you to add your shopping finds. I am not sure any of you are interested but I will in no way guarantee that I will be out shopping. This would be completely reader driven. I am serious too. Last week I did not go out on Sunday for anything, the week before I went out for two newspapers. That isn’t Sunday Morning Shopping by any stretch of the imagination.
So, if you all would like a post, I can certainly make it. I may, eventually, add to it. I doubt it though. But I might. I could. Nawwww, I won’t.
Anyhoooooo lemme know what you think!
Tamona Valentine says
I say no but its out of pure jealousy because I can’t get the stuff you get anyway lol! I just wanted to comment SMH!
admin says
LOL Thanks T!
Lea Ann says
Well, I am honored……..that you listened to a “reader”. 🙂 I have to say I am shocked and happy at the same time. 🙂 I was totally surprised when I checked in.
I am off to Aldi for potatoes, I am making a turkey dinner. I am cleaning my freezer to make room for the Zaycon chicken order in April.
Thank you Ann!!!
Chime in my shopping friends!
admin says
LOL “Listened”? More like “blamed”. 😛
Lea Ann says
LOL! We can blame it me and Michelle!
Where is Michelle??? She is probably on her 3rd gas point trip at Tops. 🙂
MichelleK says
OMG – OMG – OMG – where do I start????? I am sooooooo excited…. now I have to get moving!!!!!!!!! PS – BEST lunch ever (as usual) Girls!!!!!!!!!! <3
Didi says
I absolutely adore the Sunday post!! If you post it… we will come!! 😀
KimH says
Well, I certainly always enjoyed reading everyones Sunday morning shopping excursions but I rarely to never had anything to offer..
I’m where you are Ann in regards to pantries stocked for a long long time. I have 2 men here (M’honey & my 23 yo stepson) and we’re pretty well set for a long time in most regards. When I do find a deal I need, I jump on it.
Its nice though too to see all the “regs” post on Sunday mornings.. I know Didi’s blog, but I dont know anyone elses so if Michelle were to do the Sunday Morning Posts, I’d be clueless how to find it and Im sure Im not the only one.
I always thought the community on CD&M was the very best out there.. For me, that is what is missed the most.. Not that some of the other features of CD&M arent missed, some of them are, very much so.. but the folks rock the blog the most.
admin says
Kim, I linked to Michelle in the post.
Rebecca says
I agree, KIM! The other bigger blogs people are mean to each other. This group of ladies seem pretty good.
Chantal says
Since I am fairly new to couponing,I’ve always appreciated and enjoyed seeing everyone’s finds.
admin says
Thanks Chantal!
Marie says
I am with Tamona. I love the post, but I don’t get the stores down here except CVS and Walgreens (Walmart doesn’t count). I don’t have a stockpile (I moved my kitchen appliances from the pantry to a spare bedroom, but the pantry is far from full) and Sunday morning shopping for me is 2 newspapers. So I live vicariously through everyone else.
And like KimH, love the community that Ann has brought together.
admin says
Thanks Marie!
Lea Ann says
Just an Aldi update….(Ann’s most disliked store 😉 )
Sunkist 4 lb. bags of naval oranges are only 1.49, they have had these at this price for awhile now and beautiful Easter hydrangea plants for 4.99. Mind you every Aldi stock is different and I buy when I see it, otherwise I go back and it is gone.
admin says
I still have a bag of Florida oranges from the farmer’s market I am trying to unload. I wish I had known you needed oranges!
Lea Ann says
TY anyway Ann. Hubby eats alot of oranges here.
Ida says
I still drag myself out on Sundays for the paper. Today I got some of the free (mm) edge shaving cream and hair elastics at Ra. I did run in to Tops for a quick in and out. Last night when I was there I noticed all the life cereal had $1/2 peelies, that being my sons favorite cereal I ran in to get some while the peelies were still there. Just a side note to keep in mind for the future, Last night I went to Tops at 9 pm to pick up the Free Perry’s ice cream that we had a load2card coupon for, it was expiring last night. This week the Perry’s are b1g1, well they turned the sale on early (as I had hoped for). So I got 2 for Free 🙂 Worked perfectly!
admin says
Oh Ida you are so lucky your Tops consistently turns on Saturday. That was a great deal on the Perry’s!
Chantal says
What was the deal on the Edge shaving cream?
Ida says
If you printed the edge b1g1 ip nla it makes a awesome deal, the edge are $2.79 gold
If you don’t have the ip the $1/1 still makes it a mm with the $2 in ad and gold discount. The edge counts toward the spend $25 get $10up.
MichelleK says
O…M…G…. We did it…. we “forced” her into submission… LOL!!!! “Just a HOME for all the posting” we told her and she listened…. O-M-G!!!!!!
I am now behind because I did not know we would really have a HOME for Sunday Deals again…. I have compiled my Tops BONUS gas point deals and plan on getting over $200 worth of groceries for $100 (50% savings) that includes tons of stock ups – AND I am going to get 1800 gas points (worth $54 – YAY!!) I usually dont go out until later in the day so I will be sure to stop back…. anyone that wants to see what deals I am doing, feel free to view… I blog (but not really) just for fun and to compile my own deals…. Here is my “plan”: ourrealdeal and again – OMG, Lea Ann and Didi we did it!!!!!!!!! Ann – YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
admin says
I always listen, Michelle – just ask my hubby. 😉
MichelleK says
Must have been wha the “pooky princess” really wanted… LOL
Sue says
I have to say I do love to see what everyone found. On the other hand Sunday has never been my day to shop. I look for others most creative deals and then go after my coupons FINALLY arrive because I am too darn lazy to get up early to go to the store and rural delivery is outrageous! (if I am lucky my order is here on Wednesday which isn’t bad so I shouldn’t complain. My DH is having a fit that I keep buying razors but it is so nice to have the fancy ones that work so well on leather winter skin. Other than that I don’t stockpile (hoard for me?) too much stuff (except for shampoo, loton, soap, hygiene items and soda!) Thanks Ann for still being here. I’ll read your blog either way. But PLEASE keep your laugh for the day (why husbands shouldn’t take messages was the best yet!).
MichelleK says
LOL – I LOVED that “Laugh for the Day” too… it was hysterical… and so SPOT ON!!!!
admin says
I will indeed, Sue. I was thinking about including some er, uh, edgier ones (read crash), but I am not sure how that would go over.
MichelleK says
It would go over splendidly!! I am all about the EDGY jokes – hahahahaaa
Skirnir Hamilton says
I do not shop on Sunday. I spend it primarily with my family and well, blogging some deals myself. I do like to see what others found though, especially stores I don’t pay as much attention to, but are still close to me.
admin says
Well, I have to admit I do like reading about the great deals others have found too, Skirnir!
Stephanie K says
Well, I loved reading what everyone got, so I think it’s nice to let us share. I went to Tops and did three transactions. I ended up with 4lbs. of LOL butter, 2 Simply mashed potatoes, 4 Goodnites mats (my children wanted me to mention that mommy bought those to make money, not because they need them, LOL!), 2 jars of Planter’s peanut butter, a box of Capri Sun, 2 plum tomatoes, 2lbs. of Cuties clementines, a Fresh Express bagged salad, Marie’s blue cheese salad dressing, 4 packages of Oscar Mayer Carving Board lunch meat, 4 Pepsi Next 2ltrs. , 2 bags of GM flour, 2 bags of Domino sugar, 2 packages of Nestle Morsels, and 4 Dole Fruit Crisps. I spent $33.87 and got back one $3 and one 75¢ OYNO coupons, $1 deposit into my Savingstar account, and earned 567 gas points (worth $17.01 off 30 gallons of gas). Not a bad day 🙂 !
admin says
Wow! You make me want to look at the Tops ad, Stephanie. Great shopping!
MichelleK says
That is SUPER awesome Stephanie!!! Very impressed!!!
Stephanie K says
Thank you! I was pretty impressed myself, I giggled happily all the way home! I should mention that my store is a “double dip” one, so on the “Buy 7 items” deal, I got both $3 off instantly AND 200 gas points.
MichelleK says
BTW – Where is Terri??? I need to know what she is getting at RA this week…. I just scoped out a few money makers… Schick Razors, Tresemme and Almay plus the free Scunci…. what else Terri????
Sheryl says
Love Terri and her Rite-Aid shopping. Maybe, she can guest post her weekly trips since I am not the only one missing her.
Chantal says
details please.
Lea Ann says
Gotta love Terri AKA The RA Queen!!
Paging Terri…..I know RA is not that great this week, but we need ya! 😉
Terri (Colorado) says
Well, I wasn’t really intending on coming back (no offense, Ann) but since Lea Ann said that my name was mentioned, here are a few RA deals, both known and unknown, you guys may be interested in.
Of course, I’ll do the Scunci deal. Free is free, after all.
One not generally not known is on p. 5 of this week’s ad, take the coke products in-ad coupon to Wal-Mart and price match their coke to get ’em for $1 each. However, last time I was at Wal-Mart, their Coke 2 ltrs had hang tags which gave you $2 off the purchase of a chicken wyb a coke product. While I don’t have the hang tag in front of me (will be going tomorrow to get some), I think all you had to buy was one or two bottles. So buy four bottles of coke for $4 and get two free or nearly free chickens (w/hangtags)!
I’m also going to do a Covergirl deal: Scenario: Buy three Lash Blast mascara at $7.99 ($6.39 w/20% wellness) = $19.17. Use three $3/1 mfg cpns from March P&G (-$9), get back $5 in UPS. Result $5.17/3 or $1.72 each after UPS. These qualify for the $15 P&G rebate.
The Schick Hydro razors are a moneymaker: Buy three at $10.49 our price ($8.39 w/20% wellness) = $25.17. Use three $4 in-ad cpns and three $4 mfg cpns from inserts, and pay $1.17 OOP and get back $10 UPS wyb $25. Result, all free and an $8.83 moneymaker after UPS.
And as mentioned, the Edge gels are a moneymaker. At $2.79 w/20% wellness, you could buy 9 for $25.11. I can’t print coupons on my computer so will use nine of the $1 mfg cpns and 9 of the in-ad cpns. Result, all free plus a $1.89 moneymaker, PLUS you get a $10 UPS on top of that because you spent $25, so really, an $11.89 moneymaker after UPS.
Note, there’s a limit of 4 on the Hydro razor and Edge deals that generate the $10 UPS, so depending on the cpns you have, you could do one of the gels and three of the razors, or any combination. Not much else this week that really rocks my world. LAST week was banner for me. I spent the equivalent of about $625 in coupons at our RA on rainchecked mdse, the 7-UP deal, and that fantabulous L’Oreal Preference deal I told you about (I did that one three times at 12 items/transaction). Couldn’t help it. Not only were they all free, they paid me $20 per transaction to boot! I’d bought one of the Applebees gift cards, so my OOP was about $160, but I got back $94 in UPS, even WITH the gift card. That brought card #4 for my brother to gold.
Not a moneymaker, but you can get L’Oreal Excellence or Subline Mouse hair color this week for $8.99. Buy three for $26.97. Use three $2 in-ad (-$6) and three $2 mfg cpns (-$6) to get ’em for $14.97/3. Get back a $10 UPS wyb $25. Result: all three for $4.97, or $1.66 each after UPS.
Sooo, that’s about it for me this week that I can see. I’m doing a LOT of price matching at Wal-Mart from other stores to get bargain basement deals like $3.49 Ken’s dressing for just $.49. And I still have tons of those Poise $3 cpns I don’t want to go to waste, so free product at WM using those.
But remember, I find new homes for most of this stuff so there’s no such thing as too much. Still, I never let my wants supercede another person’s needs. I’m a gracious couponer so please, no rotten tomatoes! lol
admin says
No offense taken. My babbling isn’t for everyone. LOL Thanks for the update, people LOVE to read what you do at Rite Aid, Terri.
Sheryl says
This is totally what I want to read Terri. I read other people talking about Schick Hydro Razors but did not realize it was a moneymaker or I would have been getting them on Sunday. You are the Rite-Aid Queen for sure. I hope you will post weekly about Rite-Aid.
Lea Ann says
A few Walgreens deals:
Buy (2) Almay Cosmetics B1G1 50% Off
$5.00 off any TWO (2) Almay Cosmetic Product (an IP not sure if still avail. on
$2/1 Almay (Walgreens booklet March) (Takes off $4)
Buy (1) Poise Product $4.59
(1) $3/1 Poise (SS 03/10/13)
AND (1) $2/1 Poise (Wags, March booklet)
admin says
Nice, Lea Ann!
Chantal says
Just an FYI–some people are trying to do this deal with the eye makeup removers and Walgreen’s has told a couple of people you can’t use that coupon for those. I called Almay and they said it’s at the discretion of the store.
Terri (Colorado) says
Oh, almost forgot, if interested in the Tresemme hair care at RA, be sure to look for ones that have the $1.75 peelie. If you can find those, buy two for $7. Use two $1.75 peelies (-$3.50) and get $2 UPS. Result: $.75 each after UPS.
Terri (Colorado) says
And a better deal if you also printed out and used the Tresemme cpns from Video Values.
Stephanie B. says
I love reading everyone else’s deals! I am hosting Easter dinner for 20 people this year so all my recent shopping has been things I need for that. Today I picked up 2 6ft tables ($35) and 5 folding($8.63) at Target. After my red card discount I paid $116. Then tried to pick up the extra plates I need since I only have service for 12 and was discouraged when they only had 4.
Rachel says
I always liked reading your deals on CDM and usually skimmed through the comments. Since I am from the midwest, the deals were much different here. No RiteAid. No Tops. I still like seeing them. I still haven’t found a deal blogger I like enough to follow regularly. Noone else has the same ‘voice’ as you, Ann!! The Voice of Reason when it comes to bargains. 🙂
Darla says
So happy to see this! So happy for you Ann and your new venture. You will have the most diverse group of readers of any other blog. Thanks to everyone who posted scenarios above. I now know of a couple deals I want to do when I didn’t think there was anything worth buying at RA this week 🙂
T says
So glad you are back, Ann! I have missed reading your blog and all the comments from everyone. Even of you don’t shop maybe you could enable readers by posting a heading or something (not technical, I know, sorry) just so we could compare notes. Your Sunday morning post is a resource I check all week before I shop. Is there some way to schedule a computer to post what you want when you want it? That way you could have a day off while we compare notes. Sorry for my appalling programming ignorance
Felicia says
Awww. Sunday morning shopping is one of my favs. I get it though, you should do what’s best for you, absolutely. I like the idea of posting it anyways though, for others to add to.
MichelleK says
I hit TOPS and did 3 orders… $185 for $58 Net… Super psyched! Now to wait for the coupons to come in so I can finish the week!!
Lea Ann says
Great job Michelle ! AKA Tops Gas Queen ****bowing down******
MichelleK says
🙂 You gotta be good at something right… LOL… I always say I could be doing so much worse with my time – hahahaha
Terri (Colorado) says
Unsure if anyone will get this info but thought I’d give it a shot. Two things. First, that Mars candy extra catalina deal must be regional. Our RAs have cat machines but I did two of these deals and got…nuthin’. Second, if you want FREE eye shadow that also makes you money, here’s the RA deal: Covergirl cosmetics are at a $5 UPS wyb $15. So buy six single pack eye shadows ($3.39 less 20% wellness) = $2.71 x 6 = $16.26. Use six $2 mfg cpns from March P&G insert (-$12) = $4.26/6. Get back $5 UPS, making all eye shadows FREE plus a $.74 overage after UPS.
admin says
Thanks Terri!
I am not sure how many will get the info on posts prior to today (since I installed that plugin last night), but maybe a few.
Terri (Colorado) says
I ran into an unexpected deal today at RA in case anyone’s interested. I found some $3 peelies on the Clear Men’s shampoo today. RA has these on sale for $4.99 with a $2 UPS. So using the peelie gets these FREE after UPS (note: peelies expire 3/31 so if you’re going to do this deal, act fast). And there’s a limit of two UPS/card.
Also, RA has their 6-pk of regular Mars snack sized candy for just $.99/pkg. I checked the mfg coupon that says $1/2 of the 6-packs. The picture SHOWS Easter candy but the coupon doesn’t qualify the purchase, and nowhere on the coupon could I find where it said that it HAD to be Easter candy. So I used them for the regular 6-pks of snack candy and got 2/$.99 w/cpn.
Chantal says
Woohoo! Thanks!
Chantal says
Which coupon are you referring to?
Terri (Colorado) says
Oh, and one more. If you have a 20% wellness discount at RA, you can by a 5-pack of the BIC silky women’s disposable razors for $3.75 (after 20% disc). Use the $3 off any BIC disposables mfg cpn to get ’em for just $.75 pack. These aren’t on sale but who cares. They’re practically free even NOT on sale.
Chantal says
You can also get them free at Walmart or Target with the coupon. At My Rite aid,they are priced at $4.49.