Easily Make Your Own Book Tree
This simple craft project is a great way to reuse old books, avoiding throwing them away. All you need to complete this easy Book Tree is spray paint, adhesive, old hardcover books of varying sizes and ribbon. The Book Tree is a fun and unique decor piece, that is extremely inexpensive to make.
● To print the Book Tree instructions, click here.
Book Tree Materials Needed:
● Hard Cover Books of staggered size, an odd number looks best
● Spray Paint
● Craft Adhesive
● Decorative Twine or Wired Ribbon
Book Tree Materials Directions:
● Remove any dust jackets from your hard cover books.
● Close your book and spray paint the entire book including the pages; allow to dry.
● Give your books a second coat; allow to dry completely.
● When the books are completely dry, glue them together. Begin with the largest book at the bottom, progressing to the next smallest book, etc., ending with the smallest book on top. Make sure you use enough adhesive to bind the books together, but not so much that it oozes.
● Cut your ribbon long enough to wrap around the books and tie a bow. Use wired ribbon if possible as it makes it a little easier to place right where you want it to stay.
● Once you tie the bow, cut the tails to your desired length, and glue the bow to the top book to help keep it in place. Add tulle, berries, or other embellishments if you like.
● That’s it! You won’t get an easier decor project. You can make these in any color (dark green, brown, etc), any size (small pocket books, large atlases), with old books from an old library or second-hand book store, and embellish any way you like. Truly a simple, yet fun and unique decor project!
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Nanette says
Very cute Ann! What color paint did you use?
Ann says
Thanks, Nanette! Rust-Oleum 2X Eden
is the exact color used on the books in the post.
Jessica says
I love how festive this is. I don’t know that I could sacrifice any of my books for the cause, though. Maybe a trip to Goodwill is in order.