10 Reasons Every Family Needs Peppermint Oil
Peppermint Oil is often an overlooked and under-loved essential oil. The applications and uses for peppermint oil are wide and varied. Here are 10 uses for peppermint oil, and why you may want to consider adding peppermint oil to your essential oil list!
When I first started using essential oils I will admit Peppermint Essential Oil was not at the top of my list because I had no idea how to use Peppermint Oil.
Did you know there are hundreds of possible for Peppermint oil? If you have been using essential oils for quite some time or if you are completely new I’m sure you’re going to find some great new uses for Peppermint Oil.
Uses for Peppermint Oil
● Clear Sinuses: Peppermint Essential Oil is an anti-inflammatory so it works to clear the nasal passages. Place a drop of Peppermint oil onto a cotton ball and sniff. You can also use carrier oil and apply Peppermint oil to your feet, chest and temples to clear sinuses.
● Lose Weight: Peppermint Essential Oil has been used by some people to deter hunger. Place a drop or two into water and sip between meals. The less you eat, the more you lose!
● Baking: If you love making cakes and treats that use mint flavored icings and creme, then Peppermint Essential Oil is going to be a favorite essential oil. Even used in cookies, ice cream, scones, along with other flavors, this oil gives everything a cool, minty taste. Pair this Peppermint Essential Oil
with chocolate and strawberry based desserts for the best results, and you only need one or two drops to flavor an entire cake or batch of icing.
● Prevent Dandruff: Help get rid of those little white flakes by adding 3-5 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil to your favorite shampoo.
● Headache Relief: Place a drop on the back of your neck or temples where your pressure points are to help alleviate headaches, a few drops in your tea, or a few drops to a diffuser and diffuse.
● Get Rid of Indigestion: Peppermint candy has long been used to settle upset stomachs. Try a few drops of Peppermint Essential Oil in your tea when you have an upset stomach.
● Bug Repellent:
- 10 Drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
- 5 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil
or Wintergreen Essential Oil (all mint essential oils repel insects)
- 3 Drops Oregano Essential Oil
- 2 Drops Cinnamon Essential Oil
- Purified Water
● Mix Lemongrass Essential Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil
(or Wintergreen), Cinnamon Essential Oil
, and Oregano Essential Oils
into a small spray bottle.
● Fill the rest of the bottle with purified water.
● Shake well.
● Boost Your Energy: Feeling tired and sluggish? Don’t go for those unhealthy energy drinks. Take a few whiffs of Peppermint Essential Oil! This may help to improve concentration, focus and give you a boost of energy.
● Relieve Muscle Pain: Peppermint Essential Oil can help with inflammation, so it’s a great oil to use in a muscle rub.
- ½ cup Coconut Oil
- 20 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil
● Combine the Coconut Oil and Peppermint Essential Oil
in a bowl.
● Massage into muscles.
● Freshen Breath: Peppermint Essential Oil in a glass of water is a great DIY breath freshener!
These are just a few of the many uses Peppermint oil. I would love to hear what is your favorite way to use Peppermint oil?
Please remember that none of this is meant as medical advice. I am not a doctor, and do not play one on the internet. Please consult a physician if you have any questions about using essential oils so your doctor can better explain to you the benefits, possible side effects, and any warnings about essential oils.
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