When we moved into our house, there was a chandelier in the dining room, and in the foyer hallway. Me, being one who pays no attention to details, didn’t mind either chandelier. Hubby, who pays great attention to details, never commented on either chandelier in a negative way, so why would I, Miss-Big-Picture, bother to look closely?
Well, my mother bothered to look closely. Apparently very closely. She noticed that rather than crystals, the dangling particles were plastic thingamabobs and some were missing. And they were yellowing. And darn it, once she pointed these issues out, I noticed the problems too.
So, approximately three years ago my mother started campaigning for us to change our dining room light fixture. I guess she figured that the foyer fixture was either a lost cause, or she didn’t want to overwhelm us.
And so my chandelier search began.
Hubby and I have looked: all over Western NY, in NYC, New Orleans, Miami, Chicago, and just about everywhere else we have traveled for the “perfect” chandelier. Now let me tell you that my version of a “perfect” chandelier and hubby’s version is vastly different.
His likes include: cheap.
Oh, and then to he likes: cheap.
And while he was searching, he discovered he likes: cheap.
No matter how butt-ugly, if it is cheap he can get comfortable with the looks. Needless to say whatever I choose is either too ornate for his taste, too smooth for his taste, has a tube and will not work, or costs more than $47.62.
But, this year I am on a mission to finish off whatever outstanding projects in the house we have. Our living room hasn’t had base molding in at least five years. The doors for the built-ins in both the family room and Hubby’s office need attention, the living room needs hardwood floors (Denise from Coupons for your Family is a Shaw’s rep, and her help and expertise has been invaluable), and with that baseboards and shoe molding, and the parquet in the family room – which is next to the formal living room – may also be replaced. On my wish list, a gas insert because we haven’t built a fire in four years – because I am too lazy to dust afterward, and I hate cleaning out the fireplace – and then we will be done. Oh we should replace the railing going upstairs, it is definitely a 70s marvel and in no way would meet today’s code if not grandfathered in, but it is unique and interesting and the $17,000 we were quoted to replace it seven years ago makes us really, really love it!
Here are a few of the chandeliers we have zoned in on knowing that the search will end in the next month or two. I would like your opinions on them, and, if you have any suggestions, I am all ears. The only requirement is the fixture has to be 24″ – 28″ in height (no taller), and approximately 24″ across.
These two are probably what I have liked the best:

Manica Chandelier Lamp The biggest problem is the size. It is way too big and definitely will not work – have you seen anything similar?

TOPDOMUS genuine Murano chandelier This is by far my favorite.
And this is the only one we have quasi-agreed upon, but it is very different from anything else I have ever liked:

Polished Chrome Crystal Candle Chandelier
So, I need a little help, please! Where did you buy your chandelier? Would you recommend the place? This is a formal dining room and needs an appropriately formal fixture to match.
Tamona Valentine says
Okay enough of this foolishness. Those chandeliers are hideous! I am kidding. The first one is my favorite. The second is just bragging about the amount of dust it can collect. The third is really nice but it might cause you to do more shopping and we see how that could end!
admin says
I would love to find the first one is a smaller size… any help with that T? 😀
Gail says
I like #2. Do you think it will really collect anymore dust than #1? I like the simpleness of it – yet elegant too.
admin says
YAY a vote for #2!
tami says
Call me crazy, but check the thrift stores. We have a Habitat for Humanity store here and I find lots of items like this for less than $30. You can buy rustoleum paint and get almost any finish you want. I have found tile, mouldings, fixtures, cabinets….well, you get the picture 😉
admin says
Hubby sent me a picture of a pockmarked brass plate chandelier he found yesterday at Habitat for Humanity. Needless to say, I was not amused. He thought he was hilarious.
Saying that, our outdoor lights were brand new at Habitat 7-8 years ago, and were the find of the century!
Sue says
Why not a plain light bulb hanging from the ceiling? It would resolve the problem and be cheap. Besides who looks up anyway? Your mom would adjust…Just kidding, couldn’t resist. I like the first two the best. The third is very ornate but would probably be considered a plus in regard to resale value.
admin says
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don’t give him any ideas, Sue!!
Marie says
The question is who would be cleaning it? Since I don’t care for heights, step ladders and spring cleaning, I would veto the crystal.
admin says
Good point, Marie! I’ll ask Hubby if he is interested in cleaning it. hehe
Donna says
Call me crazy but I love love love the Crystal.
admin says
Oh I like it too, Donna. And honestly, we will probably end up with it if no one suggests something else that Hubby and I can both agree on.
Candie Britland says
This is called Millenium at Lighting Universe. I love this one. Just copy and paste this address in your browser. Now it is more than $47.62, about $200. Here is another one from Amazon and if you are a prime member they ship for free. Amazon link I seriously did not know that they come in fuchsia and royal blue, who the heck would want a color like those? I agree, to me they are dust catchers. Since someone cleans my house because I am too old and lazy, it would be fine. I actually have a Tiffany Chandelier that my mom gave me, it is beautiful. Everyone I have looked at for you, kind of looks like someone puked crystal every where. Way to much stuff on it for me. I want simple. I looked on Wayfair.com and found this one which is very simple but beautiful and it only $88.00 because it is 35% off, my kind of price, sold!!!! Light+Candle+Chandelier+in+Brushed+Nickel. This one is from the same place but it is gold and I don’t think you want that color but it was originally $329.99 marked down to $66.00, see what you think, you could paint it, only kidding. Light+Candle+Chandelier.jpg. Now I will leave you alone since I have decorated my house vicariously through you.
Lea Ann says
Ok…..after your Sunday morning shopping, here is one for you.
Kitchen Dining Room 16 Wine Bottle Chandelier Room Decor
admin says
That would work great …. as a Laugh For Today!
MichelleK says
OMG Lea Ann – hysterical!! “The Entitled Life – Redneck Style” Could be a new reality series!!!
Our lunches will be the round table end to every showing – bwahahahhaaaaa
KimH says
That’s really funny Lea Ann!
Leslie says
So I like the second one but I wouldn’t pay $1600 for a light. I am with your hubby on this. It doesn’t need to be cheap but that seems to a little too much. Just my opinion. Did u check out shadesoflight.com??
admin says
Nope, I will look Leslie, thanks!
Skirnir Hamilton says
I like #2. But I will also say that when we replaced our chandelier in WI, right before we moved, we went somewhat simple. Took us awhile to find a simple chandelier, but we did finally find one at Menards. They do seem to change what they have a bit, as we had looked there before and didn’t like anything. Now we were doing a chandelier in the kitchen/dinette, a much more informal area.
admin says
I love Menards. We actually bought our new kitchen lights there after looking for two years. As you say, the stuff changes so it is a matter of being at the right place at the right time because it was our fourth trip when we found them.
Mel says
Too funny!! This is hysterical! My husband is the same way- if it’s cheap-it’s good enough! Lol!! I love #2!
admin says
Misery loves company, so I appreciate knowing that my husband isn’t the only one… thanks Mel!
Rachel ~ IWG says
I like #2 best. Then again, I don’t really have a dog in the race.