They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and as someone that has traveled to 49 US states, I couldn’t agree more. Each state has something unique, picturesque, and beautiful to offer. But, some states are just prettier than others!
This is my list of the Top 3 most beautiful states that I have traveled to. Since I’ve never been to Oregon, it was out of the running before I started this post. 😉

The third most beautiful state I have been to is South Dakota. I was torn… I really wanted to list Vermont (which is lovely!), but South Dakota is so unexpected, and outside the box. Hubby and I were surprised and delighted how much we enjoyed our trip to South Dakota, and how lovely the countryside was. We found the Black Hills truly beautiful, the wildlife fascinating, and the views to truly impressive. If you are looking for an off-the-beaten-path summer vacation, you can’t go wrong with a trip to South Dakota.

The second most beautiful state I have been to is New York. Now maybe I am a wee bit prejudiced because I live here, but New York is one beautiful state! From Niagara Falls to the Finger Lakes to the Adirondacks, New York offers some truly remarkable landscapes. When people think of New York, they automatically think of the New York City area; tall buildings, little grass, few trees. But that area is just a tiny geographical portion of the state! If you visit New York, head out of metro-NYC to the vast rural lands and enjoy the scenic beauty I experience daily.

The most beautiful state I have ever visited is Alaska. Just stunning. We went on a cruise there years ago, and both Hubby and I agree it was the best vacation we have ever taken – and we aren’t outdoors people! We spent a lot of time observing the wildlife from a boat and from land, watching glaciers calve, and staring in awe at the beautiful snowtopped mountain peaks. We both hope to return to Alaska in the future for a longer time period, to once again enjoy the wild beauty of the Alaskan countryside.
What do you think are the most beautiful states in the US?
Gail says
I totally agree with you on North Dakota. (I’m from Florida) There are parts of Utah though that simply took my breath away, like Arches National Park. I also fell in love with the natural beauty of Colorado.
admin says
I love the Utah Mountains! I think they are the prettiest in the states with the Rockie Mountains, myself.
Sara says
I’ve only been to 26 states, but my goal is one day all 50! I think Kentucky is a beautiful state (once you head out of the larger cities), but I’m biased because I live here. 🙂 I’m also rather fond of Michigan and Colorado. The mountains in CO are amazing. 🙂 Oh darn it now I want to take a road trip! LOL
admin says
LOL Road-trip! Hubby loves the mountains of Colorado too. As I posted above, I am much more partial to the mountains in Utah.
Candie says
I have seen 40 states. Was born and raised in Massachusetts although I live in Texas now I love New England in general, it is so beautiful with the four distinct seasons. Number 3 is Oregon. It is very beautiful. Number 2 is Washington. From big cities to small towns it is beautiful. You have ocean, mountains, every sport imaginable. I can stand the rain, it doesn’t bother me. The people are friendly. I lived in Seattle for a short time, I would love to move there but cost of living is outrageous. Number 1 is Alaska. I have taken 4 cruises and one train trip. It is absolutely the most beautiful place. It is our last untouched frontier. I am taking my son, daughter and daughter-on-law on a cruise there in September. I actually did research on moving there.
admin says
Have a great time, Candie. I just loved Alaska!
KimH says
I think I think my most favorite beautiful state is Colorado.. I love the mountains and everything about it..
My next is a combination of Pa & NY since they look the same to me.. I’ve not been all over NY or Pa but what I’ve seen I love..
I have to say Texas.. Its the most diverse state of any I’ve been in and it has everything you could want.. beaches, plains, desert, mountains, woodlands, hills, and canyons… The only thing I can think of that Texas isnt good for is snow skiing.. but Im not a skiier so its ok by me.
I’ve not been up into Vermont or Maine and I have a feeling I’d fall in love with New England if I ever get there.. I also feel a kinship with Virginia & N Carolina but I’ve never been there either.. I will visit all of them one of these days though.. My dream job is to travel state to state, taking photos of the sights on the way.. That’d be awesome! 😉
admin says
New England is lovely. I think Vermont and Maine are the most beautiful states in NE… no idea why New Hampshire doesn’t do it for me. It should considering where it is situated!
Liz says
I absolutely agree with you that Alaska is the most beautiful state. I remember in middle school, one of my teachers said he went there on his honeymoon and I though, “who would go there on their honeymoon?!” Many years later, I went with DH – first on land, then on a cruise. It was one of the best vacations I had ever been on. The greatest part was it was still the US – no language barriers, no money exchanges. Dare I say, it was absolutely more fun then my trip to Europe. The mountains, the glaciers, everything was gorgeous. Highly recommended to anyone.
I do love NYS. I grew up in the Capital Region so super close to both the Hudson Valley and Adirondacks. It’s beautiful for sure, although I wouldn’t say it’s as grand as the Rockies. Now that I live on Long Island, we will be searching for places on the island that we can visit. Niagara Falls is an amazing site to behold. Mother Nature is so grand. I do love Maine – especially Acadia National Park – which is where I have frequently visited. I have been to every state on the West coast, southern border and the east coast. I missing the states west of Illinois & Wisconsin & Texas.
I believe every state has some amazing sites to see, so I hope I can see all of them in this life time. I love history so I love the history that the east coast has. I remember growing up, our school field trips, were to Forts and other historical sites.
admin says
I don’t know why, but the Rockies don’t impart a feeling of beauty to me. Impressive? Yes. Majestic? Absolutely.
Hubby had yapped to me for years how beautiful Colorado was, that the mountains there were breath taking. Well after our trip to Breckenridge I agree my breath was taken away… and I’d need an oxygen tank if I ever went back (yikes!) but I much preferred the mountains in Utah. No idea why.
Liz says
My thoughts too on CO. I went there for skiing and Utah too. But I haven’t been to any of the national parks in that area – I’d love to see Arches or Zion or the many others there. DH has when he did his cross country road trip about 1 month before we met. The other major park we haven’t been to is Yellowstone and I think Glacier National Park (?) I may be remembering that park name wrong. I’m a big parks person. I’m not really super adventurous so they offer a good balance.
On another note – I’m so glad that you decided to do this blog instead!! 🙂 Love it!
admin says
My mother “forced” Hubby and me to go to Zion, I may have mentioned a time or two (or 59472797 times) that we are not outdoors people. Zion was very nice! I even got Hubby to do some walking with me.
Yellowstone was fun! Lots of animals in their natural environment, and loads of tourists pulling ocer to the side of the road to take pics! Us included… I have some awesome pictures!
We didn’t go to Glacier, but Sonny-boy did and he has some very interesting pics considering it was mid-July when he was there!
Patty says
I’ve lived in Nebraska, Colorado, South Carolina, Massachusetts, and now New York. Every state truly does have it’s own beauty. Although I love spring blossoms in South Carolina, fall foilage in New England and as Ann said the diverse beauty of New York, I have to give my first-place vote to Colorado — crystal clear blue skies, rocky creeks, and majestic peaks captured my heart long ago. My second favorite state is Vermont – where we have often vacationed since living in the northeast. And I may be the only one on this blog, but Nebraska ranks up there on my list of favorites. I’m nostalgic thinking of my childhood and the wide-open fields, big sky, and corn stalks rippling in the wind!!
Patty says
Oops, I left out that I also lived in PA — which also is a lovely state!
admin says
I do love Vermont, Patty! Like I said, “this close” to ranking it #3, definitely #4 on my list of beautiful states.
Shell says
I certainly would agree with you about South Dakota! A state that truly surprised me is Michigan. I had no idea that much of the water there looks so turquoise! Some places had a truly tropical look, minus the palm trees that is! My hubby would love for us to go to Alaska, but so far we haven’t been able to do that.
Gina says
Vermont! We just went hiking there last weekend and while there is still 2 feet of snow on the mountains, we did lower elevation hikes that just were beautiful. I agree upstate NY also very beautiful.