Moscow Mule Cocktail Recipe
By Ann
The Moscow Mule: a slightly spicy ginger beverage that makes it a winter cocktail, while the tangy citrus of lime makes it a great summertime drink! In other words, the Moscow Mule Cocktail is the perfect adult beverage choice year round.
Prep Time: 3 minutes
● 2 oz Vodka
● 12 oz Ginger Beer
● ½ oz Lime Juice
● Ice
● Lime for Garnish
● Add enough ice to a copper mug to fill it one third.
● Combine the Vodka, Ginger Beer and Lime Juice in the copper mug.
● Garnish with a lime slice.
● Serve immediately
Makes 2 Moscow Mule Cocktail
● To print the Moscow Mule Cocktail Recipe Recipe, click here.
The Moscow Mule was invented in in 1941 by John G. Martin of G.F. Heublein Brothers, Inc. (East Coast spirits and food distributor) and Jack Morgan, President of Cock ‘n’ Bull Products (ginger beer maker). The “Moscow” portion of the name was due to the popular perception of Russian Vodka as excellent vodka.
The original recipe called for 2 ounces of Vodka, lemon juice and ginger beer. It is traditionally served in a copper mug. The mug keeps the drink very, very cold!
The classic Moscow Mule recipe is:
1.5oz vodka
.16 oz lime juice
8oz ginger beer
I varied it a bit as you can see. Whether you try the classic, the original, or my version of the Moscow Mule, do give it a go! It really is quite tasty.
As always, drink responsibly and please don’t drink and drive.
● Ultimate Guide to Non-Alcoholic Bar Basics
● For more liquor and wine cocktail recipes, tips and reviews, click here.
● Be sure to follow my Cocktails board on Pinterest!
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