Old Fashioned Brandy Cocktail
By Ann
This Old Fashioned Brandy Cocktail recipe is a classic for a reason; sweet, smooth with a slight complimentary tart, melding from the bitters and lemon. This is one delicious cocktail!
Prep Time: 5 minutes
● 1 tsp Sugar
● 1 tsp Water
● 2 dashes Bitters
● 1oz Brandy
● Ice
● 1 small wedge Lemon
● Place a teaspoon at the bottom of a cocktail glass, add a teaspoon of water, stir to dissolve the sugar.
● Add two dashes of bitters.
● Add 1 ounce of Brandy; stir.
● Add 2-3 ice cubes (no more).
● Add a small wedge of lemon to the Old Fashioned Brandy Cocktail .
Makes 1 Old Fashioned Brandy Cocktail
● To print the Old Fashioned Brandy Cocktail recipe, click here.
I was looking through classic cocktails that would be perfect on a cold winter night, and decided there is really nothing better than an Old Fashioned Brandy Cocktail!
I had forgotten how much I liked an Old Fashioned Brandy Cocktail… when I made it for this post, I had two!
This recipe is very close to the recipe in the Modern American Drinks, 1895 cocktail recipe book. I use a specific amount of ingredients where as the Modern American Drinks, 1895
lists generals like “small amount” and “lump of ice”. Still, the Modern American Drinks, 1895
has some wonderful classic recipes you can build on if you like to try the classics!
As always, drink responsibly and please don’t drink and drive.
● Disclosure: The links in this post may be affiliate links.
● For more liquor and wine cocktail recipes, tips and reviews, click here.
● Be sure to follow my Cocktails board on Pinterest!
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